
Results demind

HE can play an active part establishing educational settings for students to create and co-create solutions while still being students. Solving what you could call “real life problems” has a high potential in building “real life capacity” in students. This takes us to the core of D-EMIND and will allow us to meet the needs of our target groups (i.e., students, teachers, external organizations): developing an online methodology and providing a toolbox that facilitates real life projects in HE across curricula, borders, and disciplines. Internships and Students’ final projects in both, bachelors’ degree and masters’ degree are clear spaces where D-EMIND could become a key success factor.

To achieve D-EMIND goals, four related project results have been planned:
D-EMIND Methodology and Self-assessment tool:

this project result will focus on further development of the digital sphere of the on-site Atom model that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset (creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving) among students on online environments. Additionally, based on the conceptual approach of the Atom model a self-assessment tool will be created to measure creativity and entrepreneurial culture among HE students.

D-EMIND Training Pack:

students, teacher and mentor training is an essential part for promoting the use of the online CBL and entrepreneurial methodology developed. This Project Result (PR3) will contribute to build the capacity of teachers, students, and mentors to autonomously implement D-EMIND methodology in HEIs. This PR will be the based for building up the training program C1, and PR4.

D-EMIND Toolbox and Platform:

building on an existing platform (URL), assuring its sustainability and durability, an open a free section with a description of the ATOM Model, a digital repository with open resources for promoting entrepreneurial mindsets and an intranet for easing interactions among students, teachers, mentors, and external organisations will be created.


the consortium will develop three Massive Open Courses for students, teachers and mentors. The MOOCS for students and teachers will be structured in 6 main units, one for each component of the Atom Model. An additional MOOC focused on mentoring will be also developed for teachers, experienced entrepreneurs or any other key agent interested who want to give back their own entrepreneurial or experts experiences through productive dialogues between mentor and mentee.