When are you Creative?

Author: Anni Stavnskær Pedersen
Facilited by the teacher
The aim is for the students to reflect on their creativity before entering the innovative process in the Atom model.
15-20 mins.
16-30 students
Virtual whiteboard


1. The teacher asks the students a series of questions:

  • When do you get good ideas?
  • Where are you when you get good ideas?
  • What do you do when good ideas come to you?
  • What do you think helps you to generate good ideas?

2. The students write their answers on virtual whiteboard/Padlet.

3. The teacher and the students review the list on the Virtual Whiteboard and group them together trying to identify any patterns, similarities, and differences in the post-its.


This activity can be conducted after a chat about creativity with the students to put them into the right mindset for progressing to the elements in the Digital Atom Model.