The 5 W’s and 1H: Who? – What? – When? – Why? – Where? -How?

Category: Analyse
Author: Ilse Fraussen
Facilited by the teacher
The aim is to analyse important information to develop a clear overview of the challenge.
10-20 min
10-40 students 5-15 groups
A virtual whiteboard


1. The students are divided into groups of 5-15 by using
2. The teacher creates 6 boxes on the virtual whiteboard. Each box should contain one of the 6 following questions (the list of questions within each level is not exhaustive):
• WHO is involved in the project, who is it meant for and who decides?
• WHAT do you want to achieve, what do the customers want, what is the context
and what is the purpose?
• WHEN does it start, when does it have to be delivered and when does the problem
• WHY is a solution important and why are you involved in the project?
• WHERE will this be used and where will it take place?
• HOW does it work, how will it look and how much will it cost?
3. The groups review the questions and put their answers in each of the boxes.
4. All the students analyse the answers and discuss if they add clarity to the challenge.


The challenge created should be a single sentence so that it is clear to all group members.


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