Party Time
1. The students are asked to pair up with someone who shares the same shoe size as them – or those which are close in size (labelled Student A and Student B), this can be done by having the students write their shoe size in the chat, and then matching them up through there.
2. The teacher informs the students that they must plan the annual party in pairs e.g., a summer party or Christmas party.
3. The teacher asks each student to go to this link to find either word cards og picture cards to stimulate the creative process: ‘’ or ‘’.
- If they are given word cards, they should set the generator to 1 noun.
- If it is a picture card, they are to set the generator to 1 picture.
4. The teacher then demonstrates how the students can begin to plan the party using the words/pictures:
- Student A must use the word written at the top of the word card, or the picture illustration, in the party.
- Student B then links Students A’s idea to the word/picture they were given
- The process continues until all cards are used. The teacher interrupts the breakout room meeting when the decided time is up. Between 7-10 minutes.
5. The students work with one word/picture at a time and have to generate a new word or picture each time they switch to main speaker. So, after Student A is finished speaking, Student B presses ‘generate’ so they don’t know what they have to implement until just then, and vice versa.
6. The students link all the ideas together as they appear to create the annual party.
7. After seven to ten minutes the teacher stops the activity and asks the students to present their ideas for the party.
8. The teacher may ask the students if they wish to share their ideas with the class on what a good party would be like. More ideas are shared, which may energize and motivate the students to create their party.
This activity can be used as warm-up for the association exercises that are a part of the solution of the Challenge in the ideation element of the Atom Model.
Smaller groups should be used when doing this activity online to avoid students having to wait a long time to present themselves.