My Ever-Changing Mood

Category: Explore
Author: Calum Crosbie
Facilited by the teacher
The aim is to explore students’ feelings towards challenges.
20 min
20-40 students 4-10 groups
A virtual witheboard/ Padlet and set of challenges


1. Each challenge gathered through the activities in the challenges elements should be presented one at a time to the students in Padlet/virtual whiteboard.

2. The students are asked to select a mood card from the list in Padlet that best highlights their mood towards a challenge.

3. The students write their reaction to each challenge – anonymously – on the shared whiteboard.

4. This process should be repeated with the remaining challenges.

5. A discussion then takes place to analyze the students’ responses to each challenge.

6. The students then select the challenge that they want to attempt.


A group consensus should emerge that will increase students’ motivation levels as the selected challenge will create a positive mood amongst the students. It should be stressed during the activity, that moods are ever-changing, and that the nature of the learning task can have a significant impact on one’s emotions at one time.


Inspired by: Andrea Harrn (2015) – The Mood Cards