Keep talking behind my back
1. The students are presented with a discussion topic regarding the digital learning space. This could be
- What is important for me to feel safe in a digital environment?
- What is important that my co-student does so that I feel motivated?
- How do I want to contribute to the social environment?
2. Each student writes down (computer/paper) one sentence regarding the discussion topic.
3. Pair the students into groups of 3 persons per group using
4. Student A presents their sentence to student B & C.
5. Student B & C have 5-10minutes to discuss the sentence presented by student A. Student A is not allowed to interrupt the discussion but is only allowed to take notes and listen/observe the discussion.
6. After the time is up (the 5-10minutes) the seats are swapped, and student B presents a topic for A & C to discuss.